Top 10 Tactics to Improve Your SaaS Landing Page Conversion Rate

Ekaterina Zotkova

Content Manager at Aimers

June 7, 2024

Top 10 Tactics to Improve Your SaaS Landing Page Conversion Rate

Are you struggling with low conversion rates on your SaaS landing pages? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, as many SaaS businesses have pages that underperform. Luckily, there are tried-and-true approaches that can help you transform your landing page into a superhero that converts above the industry’s average. In this post, we’ll explore the top 10 of such proven tactics. Read on to give your landing page a major boost!

Sad Truth: Most SaaS Landing Pages Underperform

When we work with SaaS companies on their performance marketing, we sometimes find that their landing pages underperform, with conversion rates ranging from sluggish to extremely poor. In some cases, the rate is below 1%, while the average rate across all markets is 5.89%. The good news, this can be fixed. After our Conversion Rate Optimization efforts, the pages start to perform at much higher rates, many times even higher than average.

The biggest downside of the poorly converting page is the loss of valuable traffic and, ultimately, the Holy Grail of SaaS marketing – paying customers. That’s why optimization of your landing page should be one of your top marketing priorities.

Tactics to Boost Your SaaS Landing Page Conversion Rate

Let’s get to the top 10 tactics that you can start using today to get your page from zero to hero.

1. Outline an End Goal

You got to have a clear, outlined goal for each one of your landing pages. It should include answers to the following questions:

  • What is the goal that this page accomplishes for your business?
  • What concrete metrics can be used to measure how well this page accomplishes the goal? Our list of SaaS KPIs can help here.
  • What are the actions that you want your audience to take on this page?

The end goal is your North Star. It will serve as the benchmark to test the success of your optimization efforts and remove any obstacles that can stop your audience from taking desired actions.

2. Craft Compelling Copy

Bad copy can be one of the culprits for badly converting pages. Of course, it’s a must that your copy is clear, compelling and engages your audience. But for a page to convert, it’s far from enough. You should cover the unique benefits that you offer your audience, alongside the features of your SaaS products. What problems is your product solving and how?

You also need to ensure that your copy is unique to your offering and brand. You can check how well you’ve accomplished this by mentally placing your copy onto your competitor’s website – would it look out of place?

3. Differentiate Your Messaging

Make sure you differentiate your messaging to customers in the different stages of their Customer Journey. What audiences are you addressing – top-of-funnel, middle-of-funnel, or bottom-of-funnel? Match your copy to the concrete needs of the stage your customers are in. By the way, your CTAs need to be differentiated, too! More on this below.

Here’s the model that we use to differentiate audiences for our paid campaigns:


4. Employ Social Proof

Social proof will make your message more compelling. Build trust and credibility by featuring logos of your clients on your page. Share concrete stats and reviews from your clients’ success stories. You can also embed customer testimonials and highlights of your SaaS case studies.

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5. Use Clear & Personalized CTAs

Call to actions (CTAs) are a key part of your landing page. They propel your customer towards desired action, so make sure you use enough of them. Hubspot reports that highly personalized CTAs perform 202% better than general ones. So the advice here is to make your CTAs very concrete and align them to the funnel stage your customer is at.

For example, let’s say your page is directed at the BOFU stage. Instead of “Learn more”, use “Contact Us” or, even better, “Schedule your free 30-minute call”. Your goal is to be precise and tell your audience exactly how you want them to convert.

6. Use Engaging, High-Quality Visuals

It might be a cliché to say “A picture is worth a thousand words”, but it’s still true. High-quality images and videos will help you to convert your audiences. Your visuals should be aligned with your copy and CTAs. And you also have to test a wide variety of them to determine which ones will resonate with your potential customers the best. Moreover, you need to test the positioning of visuals on your page, as it affects the conversion rates, too.

7. Keep Your Design & Forms Simple

Your design should be clear and practical. Its purpose is to lead your audience to take the action that you’ve outlined in your end goal for the page. So your goal is to remove any distractions or anything else that might prevent a user from converting.

In the same way, keep your forms simple and only ask for information that you need at this stage of the funnel. Long or complicated forms are a major deterrent for visitors.

8. Optimize for Mobile

This tactic is somewhat connected to the previous point. By optimizing for mobile, you make sure that your mobile audience can easily take the actions that you want them to take. Why do we include it as a separate point? Because the percentage of users accessing landing pages from smartphones and tablets is growing year-over-year with 61% of all Internet traffic coming via mobile – but optimization rates for mobile in our industry are lagging. Ensuring your landing page (and all its functional elements!) are fully optimized for mobile places you on the cutting edge when it comes to CRO.

9. A/B Test

A/B testing is an absolute must when it comes to optimizing the conversion rate of your SaaS page. Test the performance of various elements of your landing page, including the ones we’ve mentioned in previous points, as much as possible. A/B testing removes the vague notions of personal preference, and gives you data on what options are working best with your audience. Ultimately, it leads to tangible changes in your conversion rates.

10. Continuously Analyze & Optimize

Testing and using data to see what works is a mantra to live by for any successful marketer. The same goes with the landing pages. Make sure you collect the data about your landing page performance and monitor it on a regular basis. Data will pinpoint the areas that need your attention and will provide insights for how to optimize. Use analytics and various data tools and make sure you keep on top of the latest developments, as it’s a highly dynamic field.


These tried-and-true tactics will help you get better conversions and business outcomes for your SaaS landing pages. From setting clear goals to continuous testing and optimization – boosting conversion rates is a complex, continuous process, but it will help you to attract more paying customers and achieve your marketing goals.

Since optimizing your landing pages can be a difficult task, it’s good to have a helping hand. If you are interested in working with us to improve your conversion rates, contact our team, and we will get back to you to schedule a free introductory call.

Ekaterina Zotkova

Content Manager at Aimers

Ekaterina crafts engaging and strategic content to drive brand awareness and audience engagement. Her expertise in digital marketing helps the agency deliver impactful campaigns and achieve client goals.

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