Ranking the Best PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024

Anastasiya Khvin

Marketing Manager at Aimers

April 10, 2024

Ranking the Best PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024

PPC (pay-per-click) platforms are certainly the prerequisites to the digital marketing world. The platforms provide the necessary capability for firms to design, manage, and monitor effective advertising campaigns. All these combined platforms and tools of search, display, and social media provide huge benefits to advertisers. Whether it is to enhance brand awareness, drive sales, or find a new way of interacting with your target demographic, understanding how these pay-per-click platforms work is the foremost key.

This guide should help you navigate the many options—from Google Ads' ubiquity, to LinkedIn Ads' specific targeting. The focus shall be drawn on critical metrics. They are click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, CPC (Cost-Per-Click), and ROAS (Return On Ad Spend). We check both the good and bad sides, leaving you fully prepared to make a smart, informed decision that is perfect for your individual needs.

Google Ads

PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024 - Google Ads

Being the most popular PPC platform, Google Ads offers an incredible suite of advertisement solutions to fit all types of business needs. The most useful piece of knowledge for business will be in the form of how Google Ads could serve them and their customers better.

Key Features and Statistics

  • Market share and reach. Google Ads is dominant with a 28% market share. Besides, it is the largest PPC platform, controlling over 73% of the global market share. The platform is also wide-reaching, with an average of 105,000 searches every second and an annual total of 2 trillion searches from around the globe.
  • Advertising Revenue. The contribution to YouTube advertising revenue was 10.9% of Google's total from 2017 to 2020. It indicates how important this platform is within the advertisement ecosystem at Google.
  • User engagement. Up to 63% of people have clicked on Google ads, while 85.3% of all clicks on the Adwords campaign come from Google Shopping ads. It is very good user interaction over ads.

Benefits of Using Google Ads

  • Global Reach & Targeting. With 83.49% of the search engines market share under Google's belt, no other search engine even comes close. Target customers better with more advanced audience targeting options that allow targeting along various parameters to make the ad more relevant and powerful.
  • Performance & ROI. Google Ads are used for delivery with an 8:1 return on investment. On average, Google Search Ads usually stand at a general 3.1-6% conversion rate.
  • Cost and Budgeting Insights. In turn, the average CPC and budget recommendations for the search ad campaigns would be advised at the range of $2 to $4, and for the Display Network, it's $1. Meanwhile, a beginner is advised by Google to have a daily budget of £10 up to £50. The average CPC for Google Ads is $1.72, with the Google Display Network serving 6 billion ad impressions daily.


Google Ads is a very effective and flexible PPC platform. Its service equips businesses with tools and insights to enable them to reach the target audience as well as optimize their advertising ROI. Improved targeting capability powered provide the perfect power-up to give businesses the added push for 2024 sales increases.

Microsoft Ads/Bing Ads

PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024 - Microsoft (Bing) Ads

Then you look in the realm of PPC platforms, and one will find Microsoft Ads among the platforms. Here is a more detailed look at what it offers.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Market Presence. Microsoft Ads ensures visibility to an awfully wide global audience, averaging 5.4 billion searches in a month. Not to speak of its leading market share of 36% in the USA, 20% in the UK, and a third of the world.
  • Cost-Centric. Their pricing for advertising at LinkedIn generally is much less compared to most other competing networks. Their average CPC for all industries only adds up to $1.54. This, coupled with fewer keyword competitions, may result in high ROI.
  • Unique Demographics. Microsoft ads reach unique demographics with an older audience and higher purchasing power than the audience found on other platforms. Its special appeal is, therefore, especially when it comes to high-end products or offering a B2B service.
  • Integration and features. The integration of the platform with LinkedIn makes it even more targeted in B2B campaigns, while such features as Ad Customizers and Video Extensions make the presentations of advertisements dynamic and interactive.

Platform Comparisons

Pros and Cons

1. Cost-effective advertising with lower CPC.
2. Access to a unique, high-end demographic.
3. Integrated with LinkedIn for enhanced B2B targeting.
4. Broad range of ad formats and innovative features.

1. Smaller global search market share compared to Google.
2. May require adaptation for those accustomed to Google Ads.


The affordability of the platform is said to work well for the business with a tight marketing budget, including offering unique audience reach and with the capacity to integrate with platforms like LinkedIn.

Facebook Ads (Meta Ads)

PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024 - Meta (Facebook) Ads

With revenues from ads, Facebook Ads (Meta Ads) will solidify its dominance in the world of digital advertising. Any business that is willing to get the highest online exposure without spending much finds that the average cost per click (CPC) of $0.94 is great and really lucrative on the platform. Facebook Ads (Meta Ads) serves very easily, serving a huge scale of users around the world, and is a very inexpensive option to reach new audiences.

Benefits of Using Facebook Ads

  • Global Reach. Businesses can reach a global audience and target users based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.
  • Ad Relevance. Facebook rewards ads that are relevant and engaging to users, which can result in lower costs and better performance for advertisers.
  • Ad Formats. Facebook offers a variety of ad formats to choose from, allowing advertisers to create visually appealing and interactive ads that resonate with their target audience.
  • Cost-Effectiveness. Facebook ads offer a cost-effective way for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience.
  • ROI and Performance Tracking. Facebook provides robust tracking and analytics tools that allow advertisers to measure the performance of their ads and optimize their campaigns for better ROI.


  • Algorithm Changes. Facebook's algorithm changes frequently, which can affect the reach and performance of ads.
  • Ad Saturation. With billions of ads competing for users' attention, advertisers may struggle to stand out and capture their target audience's attention.
  • Privacy Concerns. Facebook's handling of user data and privacy concerns may impact users' trust and willingness to engage with ads on the platform.


Facebook Ads (Meta Ads) is a powerful advertising platform with a global reach, diverse ad formats, and targeting options that make it an attractive option for businesses looking to reach and engage with their target audience. It offers a cost-effective. However, advertisers should be aware of the challenges associated with algorithm changes, ad saturation, and privacy concerns.

LinkedIn Ads

PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024 - LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn, known for its professional networking capabilities, also offers a robust advertising platform for businesses looking to reach a professional audience. With over 774 million members worldwide, LinkedIn provides access to a vast network of professionals across various industries and job functions.

Benefits of Using LinkedIn Ads

  • Professional Audience. LinkedIn offers access to a highly professional audience of decision-makers, influencers, and industry experts. This makes it an ideal platform for B2B marketing and targeting specific industries or job functions.
  • Targeting Options. LinkedIn's advanced targeting options allow advertisers to reach a highly specific audience based on professional criteria.
  • Brand Awareness. LinkedIn is a trusted platform for professional networking and content sharing. It makes it an effective platform for building brand awareness and thought leadership within specific industries.
  • Lead Generation. LinkedIn offers tools for lead generation, including lead gen forms and sponsored InMail, which allow advertisers to capture leads directly from their ads and nurture them through the sales funnel.

Benefits of Using LinkedIn Ads


  • Cost. LinkedIn ads tend to be more expensive compared to other platforms like Facebook and Google Ads.
  • Competition. LinkedIn's professional audience attracts a lot of advertisers, which can lead to increased competition and higher advertising costs.
  • Ad Performance. LinkedIn ads typically have lower click-through rates (CTR) compared to other platforms, which can impact overall campaign performance and ROI.


LinkedIn Ads is a powerful advertising platform for businesses looking to reach a professional audience and generate leads in a B2B context. It offers advertisers the ability to reach the right people with the right message at the right time. However, advertisers should be aware of the higher cost of advertising on LinkedIn and the potential for lower click-through rates compared to other platforms.

Instagram Ads

PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024 - Instagram Ads

Instagram has become a cornerstone for digital marketers aiming to captivate audiences, enhance brand awareness, and drive sales. Boasting over 2 billion monthly active users and 500 million daily active users, Instagram offers an extensive reach for advertisers looking to connect with a diverse audience. Let's delve deeper into its features and performance metrics:

Key Features and User Engagement

  • Huge User Base. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Instagram attracts a vast audience, making it an ideal platform for businesses to showcase their products or services.
  • High Shopping Engagement. Approximately 44% of Instagram users engage in shopping on the platform weekly, indicating a strong inclination towards making purchases directly from the app.
  • Enhanced Shopping Experience. Instagram Shopping features allow users to seamlessly browse, add to cart, and purchase products within the app, facilitating a smooth shopping experience for customers.

Performance Metrics and Industry Insights

  • Ad Reach and Engagement. Instagram's ad reach is growing by 12.2% year over year, providing ample opportunities for brands to connect with users. On average, U.S. adults spend 33.1 minutes per day on Instagram, offering extended exposure for brands.
  • Conversion and Click-Through Rates (CTR). Feed ads typically exhibit higher CTR compared to stories ads, with feed ads averaging between 0.22% to 0.88% CTR and stories ads ranging from 0.33% to 0.54% CTR.
  • Impact on E-commerce. Instagram serves as a significant platform for e-commerce, with 70% of users searching for products on the platform. Additionally, more than half of Instagram users follow or search for brands and products, making it a crucial platform for brand discovery.

Ad Formats and Placement Options

  • Ads in User Feed
  • Ads in Stories
  • Explore Ads
  • Reels and Shop
    These placements support multiple ad formats such as image ads, video ads, shopping ads, collection ads, and carousel ads, catering to different marketing strategies and campaign goals.


With social commerce sales projected to reach $2.9 trillion by 2026, Instagram's role in digital marketing is poised to become even more significant. As Instagram continues to evolve and introduce new features and ad formats, advertisers can expect more opportunities to engage with audiences and drive impactful results.
With a massive user base, extensive ad formats, and robust performance metrics, Instagram remains a top choice for digital marketers seeking to maximize their advertising efforts.

Twitter Ads

PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024 - Twitter Ads

Twitter Ads present a unique opportunity for advertisers to reach their target audience quickly and effectively, with a median Cost-Per-Click (CPC) value of approximately $0.33, making it an attractive option for those prioritizing efficiency and broad reach. Boasting a substantial user base of 528.3 million monthly active users, Twitter offers advertisers the potential for widespread ad visibility. Notably, engagement rates for vertical video ads on Twitter are seven times higher than those for traditional home timeline ads, highlighting users' preference for immersive full-screen video content.

Key Insights and Performance Metrics

Engagement and ROI. In 2023, overall engagements with ads on Twitter increased by 22%, indicating growing user engagement with ads on the platform. Additionally, Twitter boasts a remarkable 40% higher return on investment (ROI) compared to other media channels, making it an attractive option for advertisers seeking high returns.

Market Impact and User Interactivity. Brands that launch new products on Twitter are three times more likely to achieve their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), while tweets featuring videos can boost engagement by up to 33%. These statistics underscore the platform's potential for driving visibility and product launches.

Demographics and Usage Patterns. Twitter's user base is predominantly male (56.4%). It has the largest demographic being individuals aged between 25 and 34 (38.5%). On average, users spend 5.1 hours per month on Twitter, using the platform primarily for news (55%) and entertainment (82%). These usage patterns highlight the diverse content consumption habits of Twitter users.

Pros and Cons


  • Cost-effective advertising with a low median CPC ($0.33).
  • High engagement rates for vertical video ads.
  • Significant increase in ad engagements (22% in 2023).
  • Superior ROI compared to other advertising channels (40% higher).


  • Ad reach limited to 5.8% of the global population over 13.
  • Ad spend revenue projected to decline in the coming years.


Twitter Ads offer advertisers a powerful platform to engage with their target audience, drive brand awareness, and achieve their marketing objectives. With its efficient targeting options, high engagement rates, and superior ROI, Twitter remains a compelling choice for advertisers. Twitter Ads are poised to play an integral role in helping brands connect with their audience and drive meaningful results.

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What Does an Effective PPC Strategy Look Like in 2024?

Successful PPC (Pay-Per-Click) by 2024 will have evolved to be much more holistic. It will encompass not only traditional PPC campaigns but also integrating efforts with social media, email marketing, and even offline channels, with the objective of providing a consistent experience for customers across all touchpoints.

Which PPC Platform is Recommended for Maximizing Sales?

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is the premier PPC platform globally, holding a 28% market share. With its vast search and impressive display networks, advertisers have unparalleled opportunities to reach and accurately target new audiences, making it one of the best tools for driving sales.

What is the Future Outlook for PPC?

Looking toward 2024, the future of PPC advertising is expected to be vibrant and full of potential. Success in this evolving landscape will likely depend on leveraging the effectiveness of video ads, supported by the adoption of AI and a focus on personalization and privacy. These elements will be crucial for businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge in digital advertising.

YouTube Ads

PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024 - YuTube Ads

YouTube Ads is one of the leading big players in the digital space. It offers an exclusive mix that combines great reach with engaging content formats. Youtube is the world's second-largest search engine, and advertisers get a huge audience, a perfect platform.

Key Performance Metrics and Cost-Effectiveness

  • Average Cost-Per-View (CPV). Receiving a view for an average CPV of $0.010 to $0.030 allows a person to receive views even for a very low budget.
  • User Engagement. 3 times more likely to watch a tutorial of the product on YouTube than read written paper product instructions, this video content is a clear indication of very active user engagement.
  • YouTube advertising revenues hit 7.2 billion dollars in the third quarter of 2021. It added further testimonials about the importance of the platform within the digital ad environment.
  • Preference of the Marketers. Video marketers have it that 89% of them will be using YouTube as their video marketing platform, with 51% of U.S. marketers already using video ads as part of their marketing strategy on YouTube.

Ad Formats

  • Skippable Ads. Pre-roll skippable ads are agreed to be the most effective ad format by 29% of the marketers. This format allows the option of skipping the ad after 5 seconds and, therefore, attains a fair balance between user experience and getting exposed to the ad.
  • YouTube Shorts. The platform is quickly becoming one of the key video advertising platforms, with 43% of ad buyers saying that their biggest clients are advertising on YouTube Shorts. It was the only one that exactly met the growing demand for short, engaging content.
  • Skippable Pre-roll Ads. Most effective, preferred by 29% of marketers—allows user choice, hence the increased rates of engagement.
  • "YouTube Shorts". An emerging platform where 43% of the buyers are ad buyers Targets the audience whose preference is

Pros and Cons


  • Massive audience reach as the second largest search engine.
  • High user engagement with video content.
  • Cost-effective advertising with an average CPV of $0.010 – $0.030.
  • Diverse ad formats catering to different marketing strategies.


  • Intense competition due to the platform's popularity.
  • Requires high-quality video content to stand out.


YouTube helps advertisers tap into one of the farthest-reaching platforms with content that is more engaging. The cost of YouTube advertisements toward a diverse format of ads with wider reach might prove very tempting. In other words, to the brand marketer, they understand the ad formats on YouTube and how to optimize the viewers' sales and visibility.

Reddit Ads

PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024 - Reddit Ads

There is no platform like Reddit Ads that offers you the solution of targeting such an extremely active audience at just an average CPC of $0.44 per click. Even if the effectiveness statistics of targeted and niche marketing in 2024 may not be readily available, its structural community-based platform may be an indicative case of a custom ad approach that bodes well with specific target groups.

Key Considerations for Advertisers on Reddit

  • Engagement. Reddit provides an engaging community that offers brands excellent ground for discourse and interaction.
  • CPC Efficiency. Reddit Ads provide the most cost-efficient paid digital campaign for niche or highly engaged audiences at an average CPC of $0.44.
  • Navigation of the Platform. Your adjsons might be experiencing some network security blocks, and hence, the site is asking that you should be able to log in either with your Reddit account or use the developer token to proceed. In the event the network blocks have been affected mistakenly, tickets for the same should be filed for a review.

Pros and Cons

ProsConsHighly engaged audience for targeted reachLack of direct data on niche marketing effectivenessCompetitive average CPC ($0.44/click)Potential network security blocks for advertisersCommunity-driven content for authentic engagementRequirement to navigate platform-specific rules and restrictions


All of these combined, together with unique positioning and unbeatable CPC rates, mean Reddit Ads open a lot of potentials for the advertiser looking to reach passionate and niche communities.

The focus on community and conversation in the structure of the platform's ads sits nicely with brands on the hunt for genuine, non-transactional exchange. Its specific requirements and potential security blocks, however, may see some advertisers needing to adjust. Still, it is an interesting option for such digital marketing strategies where the price structure and the active user base make it an appealing choice for the deep connections and discussions within the targeted community.

Quora Ads

PPC Platforms for Boosting Sales in 2024 - Quora Ads

In the evolving PPC platform landscape, Quora Ads surface as the unique option for B2B-focused business owners in the space of lead generation. The personal approach to their marketing campaigns is armed with a host of features that are set to capture the highest quality potential leads.

Key Features of Quora Lead Gen Forms

  • Native Signup Flow and Customizable Forms. Presents native signup flows and forms that in turn give your customers a seamless experience, hence contributing to higher completions.
  • High-Intent Prospects. Targets users who are actively seeking information, ensuring better quality leads.
  • Performance Monitoring and Easy Viewing of Leads. Makes performance monitoring and viewing of leads easier to manage campaigns with actionable insights for campaign optimization.

Optimization Strategies for Enhanced Lead Generation

  • Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Essential for measuring the success of your campaigns.
  • Use Analytics Platforms. Enables a deeper understanding of campaign performance and user behavior.
  • Leverage Marketing Automation Tools. Streamlines campaign management for efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Integrate CRM Systems. Ensures a smooth transition of leads into your sales process.
  • Track Conversion on Ads Platforms. Provides insights into the effectiveness of your ads in generating leads.


Quora Ads offer a kind of focused approach for high-intent audiences, especially in the B2B space. With the emphasis on hyper-personalized marketing campaigns and strong lead generation forms, it has come out as a real contender for businesses looking to generate quality leads. By using these best practices and tools, this will help advertisers in improving campaign performance with Quora Ads.


This article provides a rather close look at the respective pros and cons of the top PPC platforms, recommending you focus your digital advertising in line with platforms that will best resonate with your specific business goals. We went through giants like Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and even giants within the social media space, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and other platforms. This clearly brings us to the crux that mastering the right PPC platform ensures, invariably, that sales are boosted, brand visibility attains higher dimensions, and ensures a high ROI tailor-made to fit the unique contours of your business landscape.

Inside such a panorama of digital marketing, the decision about PPC platforms becomes a pivot in the trajectory of success. It is perhaps a realization that the clue lies in precise targeting, innovative ad formats, and engaging audience underscored. These platforms have a potential to tap the click into real sales.

While the specifics for any given platform might appear to diverge, the central conclusion woven through this analysis is the need for an individual approach: tailoring your PPC strategy to the nuanced demands your business sphere places on it. So, transform this insight into action and contact us to develop your very own PPC strategy. Set to pave the way for an unparalleled journey in excellence in digital marketing with Aimers.

Anastasiya Khvin

Marketing Manager at Aimers

Anastasiya is a Marketing Manager at Aimers. She excels in her strategic approach and brings valuable insights as an author on the Aimers blog.

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