Best Practices for Achieving Success in Meta (Facebook) Ads for SaaS and Tech Businesses

Vitalii Petukhov

PPC Manager at Aimers

May 27, 2024

Best Practices for Achieving Success in Meta (Facebook) Ads for SaaS and Tech Businesses

1. Keep the Average Frequency metric

Facebook recommends an ad frequency of 2 as being the most effective as a baseline. Ideal frequency really depends on the type of campaign as there is no “one size fits all” frequency for display ads.

You should consider the size of your audience as well as the stage of the funnel that your advertising campaign is targeting. For example, for TOFU (Top of Funnel) campaigns, a frequency of less than 2 impressions is suitable. MOFU (Middle of Funnel) campaigns – up to 4-5 impressions. For BOFU (Bottom of Funnel) remarketing, it can go higher, but the key is not to be too aggressive.

Monitor the Average Frequency metric regularly and adjust ad rotation settings or ad creative to avoid overexposure. Consider refreshing ad content or targeting to maintain user interest and engagement.

2. Regular test your ad formats, CTAs, offers, and texts

Testing, testing, and testing again is an important step because it’s impossible to accurately determine what will work best. Test formats (videos, banners, carousels), CTAs, offers, and texts. Only through testing can you find the best combination.
To minimize costs on ineffective approaches, it’s useful to use the Meta Ad Library. There you can see what your potential competitors are using in your niche and what options could be effective.

Meta Ad Library

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3. Analyze different attribution models and work with reports

Some of the biggest wins are always found within the reporting section. One of the most important parts of reporting is the ‘Breakdown’ section.

It’s important to know how to analyze data correctly. Creating custom reports can help in this regard. These reports allow us to use excellent filters and segment campaigns based on the parameters we need (geo, age, placements, attribution models, etc.).

We also want to highlight the comparison of attribution models because often we may notice that there are many more conversions in our account than in the CRM. The main reason for this difference could be different attribution models and the inclusion of post-view conversions in the main effectiveness column. It’s great to use such breakdowns by attribution models in the advertising account.

You can compare your ads’ reported conversions over different attribution settings, including 1-day view, 1-day click, 7-day click and 28-day click except for a few exceptions below. You can compare these attribution settings regardless of the ones you chose to optimize for in your campaign.

Meta Ads - Attribution Window Settings

4. Duplicate your campaigns, groups, and ads

At first glance, it may seem like there’s nothing special here, but duplication can improve several metrics. Duplication can be used during long moderation times if your ads are stuck (you can also contact support). Duplication can be useful if your campaign is poorly optimized or has stopped performing as effectively as before.

When creating a duplicate, you may reach a better segment of the audience (since the audience can be very broad), and the campaign will “hook onto” the effective segment better and optimize in the desired direction.

5. Fill out the profile from which you are running ads

Despite running an advertising campaign, the promotion itself happens under the name of the advertising profile (page), and users often click through to the page from which the ad is running. If your page is filled out, has activity, posts are published, and comments are left, this serves as social proof and generates more trust.


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Vitalii Petukhov

PPC Manager at Aimers

Vitalii Petukhov, as a PPC Manager, offers expert insights and strategic approaches to optimizing pay-per-click campaigns, utilizing his deep knowledge of digital advertising.

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