5 Reasons to Get a Marketing Consultant for Your SaaS ASAP

Denis Yurchuk

CMO at Aimers

January 22, 2024

5 Reasons to Get a Marketing Consultant for Your SaaS ASAP

Marketing is critical to the growth and sustainability of any SaaS business. It helps you reach the right audience, nurture leads until they’re ready to buy, and shows why customers should buy from you rather than your competitors. When you’ve not got the time or expertise in-house to run a marketing campaign, a SaaS marketing consultant can transform the way you promote your company to prospective customers.

Here are five reasons why getting a marketing consultant or consultancy for your SaaS can give you the edge.

1. It Lets You Focus on What You’re Good at

Hiring a marketing consultant means you can fill in the gaps in your in-house marketing department. For example, while your team may be skilled in content marketing or SEO, they might not know much about TikTok advertising or Google Ads.

Rather than hire a new team member or upskill your existing ones, a marketing consultant can bring brand-new talents and abilities that take your business to the next level. According to Semrush, the main reason companies outsource their marketing is because they don’t have the right in-house expertise.

Semrush Graph - Why companies outsource marketing activities

By bringing on a marketing consultant, your in-house team can focus on what they’re best at and leave everything else to skilled professionals who are experts in their fields.

2. It Saves You Money

It’s estimated that most SaaS businesses spend between 7 and 15% of their budget on marketing. This isn’t a lot, meaning it’s crucial to make every dollar of your marketing budget count!

Most SaaS marketing managers dream of having a team full of specialist marketers. Someone to write copy, someone to manage paid ads, someone who can optimize web pages for conversions, and so on. However in reality, this means a lot of expenses.

As well as salaries, you’re paying for holidays, pensions, sick leave, training, and other benefits. Plus, if someone leaves, you have to spend money to find a replacement.

According to Neil Patel, the average US in-house marketer salary is now over $84k, and you can expect to pay even more for someone with a lot of experience!

By hiring a marketing consultant, you only pay for the work that they do. Plus, as they’re specialists skilled in launching and managing campaigns quickly, they work effectively and efficiently to ensure you get a good return on investment on what you spend.

3. It Provides You With Access to Expert Tools

To achieve and monitor your marketing goals, you need access to a lot of different tools. Not only do you need to pay for access for the majority of them, but you need time to learn how to use them.

A marketing consultancy will have access to a wide range of enterprise tools they will use to manage, automate, and optimize your marketing channels. For example, here’s a list of some of the fantastic tools we use at Aimers to create paid ads that drive conversions. 

When you work with us, you’re accessing the benefits of all these tools for free.

This all comes as part of the service and means you can quickly get ahead of your competitors without having to spend extra cash.

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4. It Allows You to Scale Quickly and Efficiently

Whether finally getting that Series A funding or persuading a massive international client to come on board, all SaaS businesses dream of scaling.

However, from a marketing perspective, scaling can lead to a lot more work. You need to hire new staff, shuffle budgets around, and bring new marketing technologies into your business.

A marketing consultant or agency makes it easy and more cost-effective to scale up your efforts.

You can bring in more experts or ask them to look after more of your marketing – many consultants are skilled at managing multiple marketing channels. They can also advise you on what to do if you want to branch out into new markets or appeal to new target audiences.

Likewise, if your marketing budget needs to take a cut, you can scale down if you need to.

Using a marketing consultant can also help you temporarily bridge gaps. For example, if you need extra support with a one-off campaign, you want to get attention from a prospective investor, or a member of your team needs to take unexpected leave.

5. It Brings a Fresh Perspective

When you run a SaaS company, it’s essential to keep an eye on trends and changes in the industry, as well as what your competitors are doing. According to Semrush, 53% of SaaS marketers say that competitor analysis is the cornerstone of their content marketing strategy.

SemRush graph - SaaS Content Marketing: Success Factors

However, this is often easier said than done – monitoring trends and changes is a lot of hard work!

One of the benefits of working with a marketing consultant is that they can act as a fresh new pair of eyes in your marketing department. They can provide valuable insight and analysis you might not have thought about and apply what they have learned working with other clients to your business.

This means innovative new ways of doing things, a better value offer than your competitors, and constantly adapting and evolving to be the best in your industry.


Aimers: Your SaaS Marketing Consultant

SaaS businesses have specific needs, so it’s vital to work with a marketing consultancy that understands your goals and what you want to achieve. 

It’s essential to work with a consultant or consultancy that shares your values, communicates clearly, and, most importantly, can deliver what they promise.

At Aimers, we have years of expert experience working with SaaS companies just like yours and offer a wide range of digital marketing services. 

From paid search to conversion rate optimization, we’ll understand the needs of your business and create a bespoke marketing strategy that boosts subscriptions, leads, and customer lifetime value.

Interested? Contact us, get your free marketing plan today, and let’s work together to supercharge your business.

Denis Yurchuk

CMO at Aimers

Denis shares strategic expertise and forward-thinking approaches on driving brand growth and optimizing marketing efforts, leveraging his extensive experience.

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